Playmaker Actions For ORK Framework 1.1.2 unity3d asset Unity3d编辑器下载
Playmaker Actions For ORK Framework 1.1.2 unity3d asset Unity3d编辑器下载
Playmaker Actions For ORK Framework 1.1.2 unity3d asset Unity3d编辑器下载
Playmaker Actions For ORK Framework 1.1.2 unity3d asset Unity3d编辑器下载
Playmaker Actions For ORK Framework 1.1.2 unity3d asset Unity3d编辑器下载
This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.3.0 or higher.
Requires Playmaker and ORK Framework
This plugin provide 382 ORK Framework Playmaker Actions and Tools make ORK Framework even better.
Develop for use in real life work this plugin will be updated every time after ORK Framework is updated.
Workflow is easy and similar to ORK Framework but you can keep tracking all process , change parameter and save at runtime.
- 381 ORK Playmaker Actions similar to ORK Event Step.
- Can use ORK Database and Resources E.g., Actor, Prefab.
-Access database via drop-down parameters on actions inspector.
-Most of action parameters have variable toggle button.
-All parameters have tool tip when hover mouse over the name.
-Can use many ORK actions in the same state.
-Can test and save changed parameter at runtime.
-Have wizard to create file for working with ORK Framework.
-Auto generate dialogue message to description.
-Demo scene with brand new ORK guys will tell you how to making cool things.