Epic Toon FX 1.5 unity3d卡通效果粒子特效 unity粒子系统
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Epic Toon FX 1.5 unity3d粒子系统,卡通效果粒子特效
Epic Toon FX系列索引:
Epic Toon FX 1.31下载链接
Epic Toon FX 1.4下载链接
Epic Toon FX 1.6下载链接
Epic Toon FX 1.7下载链接
Requires Unity 5.3.0 or higher.
Epic Toon FX is a pack of over 600 cartoony particle effects.
The effects are sorted into 3 categories: Combat, Environment and Interactive.
- Over 200 unique FX
- 621 Total prefabs
- Most FX available in 4 colors
- Many FX have different styles & variations
- 2D versions of some FX for side-scrollers
- Approximately 120 textures
- Interactive demo project
- Included Sound FX for missiles/explosions
Combat Effects:
- Blood (9 types, 3 colors)
- BombFuse (2 types)
- Brawling (8 types, 2 styles)
- Death (10 types)
- Explosions (30 types, 4 colors)
- Flamethrower (2 types, 2 styles, 4 colors)
- Magic (10 types, 3 colors)
- Missiles (14 types, 4 colors)
- Muzzleflash (15 types, 4 colors)
- Nova (1 type, 4 colors)
- Sword (7 types, 4 colors)
- Text (3 types)
Environment Effects:
- Confetti (3 types, 6 colors)
- Dust (4 types)
- Fire (4 types, 2 styles, 4 colors)
- Fireflies (5 colors)
- Fireworks (2 types, 4 colors)
- Fog (3 types, 3 colors)
- Lightning (4 types, 2 styles)
- Liquid (3 types)
- Smoke (6 types, 2 colors)
- Sparks (3 types, 2 colors)
- Stars (4 types, 4 colors)
- Underwater (2 types)
- Water (10 types)
- Weather (10 types, rain, snow)
Interactive Effects:
- Emojis (23 types)
- Feathers (2 types)
- Flares (1 type, 5 colors)
- Healing (8 types)
- Hearts (5 types) - Loot (5 types, 4 colors)
- Money (8 types)
- Portals (2 types, 5 colors)
- Powerups (6 types, 5 colors)
- Sparkle (1 type, 5 colors)
- Stars (5 types)
- Trails (5 types)
- Zone (3 types, 2-6 colors)
**** Hidden Message *****
啦啦啦啦 Thanks for sharing! Amazing asset! 感謝分享~非常的實用! Thanks for sharing! Amazing asset!
多谢分享~~下来试试~{:4_105:} X 1.5 unity3d卡通效果粒子特效 unity粒子 xiexiefenxiangxiexiefenxiang 感谢分享 值得一看的好东西
Thanks for sharing! Amazing asset!
我感觉这个很酷呀~ 感谢 Thanks a lot, this is amazing! 厉害了学习学习 nice thanks for this 感謝分享~ 感謝分享!! 略略略略略 感觉很棒的样子