DOTween Pro 1.0.145 运动动画插件
插件名称:DOTween Pro 1.0.145插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码
DOTween Pro 1.0.145 动画插件编辑器
DOTween Pro系列索引:
DOTween Pro 0.9.290下载链接
DOTween Pro 0.9.470下载链接
DOTween Pro 0.9.550下载链接
DOTween Pro 0.9.685下载链接
DOTween Pro 0.9.690下载链接
DOTween Pro 1.0.065下载链接
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此扩展要求每个用户一份授权.要求Unity 4.6.0 或更高版本。
REQUIRES UNITY 4.6/5/2017/2018 or higher (will automatically activate features based on your Unity version).Dotween Pro扩展了自由引擎Dotween,实现了脚本和可视化脚本的新功能,包括这些外部资产的额外功能
IMPORTANT: if upgrading from a version older than 1.0.000, follow these instructions carefully
DOTween Pro extends the free engine DOTween, implementing new features both for scripting and visual scripting, including extra features for these external assets (if present):
- 2D Toolkit
- TextMesh Pro (both payed and free version)
A Component that allows to animate some of its gameObject's properties without scripting: Move, Fade, Color, Rotate, Scale, Punch, Shake, Text, Camera properties and more.
Works also with 2D Toolkit and TextMesh Pro objects.
Implements a smart setup that allows you to easily interact with the animations via Unity UI onClick events, and can preview animations without entering Play Mode.
A Component that allows you to animate its gameObject along a path.
NOTE: the visual path editor currently supports Linear (straight) or curved CatmullRom paths.
Implements a smart setup that allows you to easily interact with the animations via Unity UI onClick events.
An extra Component that can be added from a Path or Animation Editor. It allows to set additional actions to execute when its gameObject is activated or deactivated (especially useful when using a pool system)
- Additional shortcuts for 2D Toolkit and TextMesh Pro, if present.
- DOSpiral shortcut.
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thank you so much Thanks. I need it. thankyou Thanks for sharing! Thank you so much about sharing .
It's very helpful for me. {:4_107:}
Thanks for sharing!
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