Brick Materials Vol.1 1.1 石砖地砖墙砖纹理材质
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Brick Materials Vol.1 1.1 砖纹理材质
Requires Unity 2017.3.1 or higher.16种不同的地砖和9种不同的墙砖材料,PBR材料
A pack of 25 Brick PBR Materials.
A beautiful variation of 16 different floor brick and 9 different wall brick materials
for the use in any game or architectural project.
All materials are ready to use.
Number of Materials: 25
Total number of Textures: 100
25 base color maps in 2048x2048
25 roughness maps in 2048x2048
25 normal maps in 2048x2048
25 ambient occlusion maps in 2048x2048
The "Showcase" demo level has the additional content listed below:
2 Static Mesh
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怎么才能获得? Brick Materials Vol.1 1.1 石砖地砖墙砖纹理材质 好好,正是需要的 66666666666666 看看能不能用
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