神妈 发表于 2021-6-3 09:59:24

Activation Graph System 1.44节点系统

本帖最后由 神妈 于 2021-6-3 10:02 编辑

插件名称:Activation Graph System 1.44插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码
Activation Graph System 1.44

In the Activation Graph System you can build up a node system for e.g. mission system, research system, build system, crafting system and much more. It can serve also as a time line editor. All these different kind of nodes in the graphs can be connected with each other, e.g. you can connect a mission task with a research task. I developed this graph system for my mission flow, but it is so powerful, that I already use it for my tech tree and build tree. The Activation Graph System does not generate any code in the background, it instantiates GameObjects with a specific node script, that can be configured.

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kyx11180 发表于 2021-6-16 08:09:11

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