Fluent Animation - An incredible animation queue system 0.8
本帖最后由 神妈 于 2021-6-12 17:08 编辑插件名称:Fluent Animation - An incredible animation queue system 0.8插件官网:访问官网
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Fluent Animation - An incredible animation queue system 0.8
Incredibly easy way to animate almost anything using fluent functions.
Playing animations back-to-back and chaining them one after another can be frustrating using existing Unity packages. Fluent Animation is here to make it simple to execute a series of animations or tasks using a few of lines of code. It uses a procedural/functional approach to solving a decade old problem, and it's quite powerful as well:使用流畅的函数为几乎任何东西制作动画,这是一种令人难以置信的简单方法
强大的动画队列系统 几乎可以移动、旋转、缩放任何东西
- Powerful animation queue system
- Move, rotate, scale almost anything
- Execute animations in parallel
- Comes with 31 easing effects
- Animating objects on a set of way points
- Animate custom components
- Animate custom fields/properties
- Extend class to add more features
- Customize animation update type
- Loop, control, or jump to specific animation
- Bezier, Spline and Linear waypoint paths
- Comes with 5 free easy to learn demos
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