noxosoft 发表于 2022-9-27 11:19:52

POLYGON - Spy Kit 支持引擎版本4.14-4.27虚幻卡通道具模型

Spy Car with weapons
Two characters with spy gear
Rigged drone
Texture Sizes:

15, 1024x1024 (Includes Alts)
Collision: Yes

Triangle Count: Average count ~1800 per character, 200 for props

LODs: None

Number of Meshes: 36 Static. 10 Skeletal

Number of Materials and Material Instances: 3

Number of Textures: 15 Total.

Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Mac OS.

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, Mac, Android, iOS, Oculus, HTC Vive, Switch, PS4, Xbox.

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查看完整版本: POLYGON - Spy Kit 支持引擎版本4.14-4.27虚幻卡通道具模型