LXR - Light Detection 版本 UE4.27,5.0 高级灯光照明控制光纤插件
本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-8 21:07 编辑LXR is a highly optimized plugin for detecting if an actor is visible to a light source as well as to what degree they are lit, and which color the actor receives.
LXR is a multi-threaded and tick-optimized performant solution, even when multiple light sources are present.
LXR dynamically optimizes check interval based on the subject's distance to light sources.
LXR Supports all unreal dynamic light types: point, spot, rect and directional lights.
The plugin calculates illuminance (lux) an actor receives based on physically-based lighting using the same math that Unreal uses for rendering illuminance.
Although LXR uses Unreal's own equations for calculating illuminance, the final illuminance calculated by LXR is still an approximation.
Light detection