Did it hit - Trace Detection Plugin v1.2.0 (4.27) 追踪检测插件
本帖最后由 满心欢喜 于 2022-10-8 21:02 编辑When using the default overlapping detection methods, even with colliders, if the speed or the animation is too fast, the intended collision can be skipped entirely.
This is the case for small bullets against thin targets or weapon swinging animations that are too fast or scattered.
This system allows you to trace between positions and determine if something was hit.
An actor component with simple setup
3 methods of detection
high modularity by the user: can trace by objects, channels, use lines, boxes, etc.
can skip frames if needed to improve performance.
An OnItemAdded event that can be called when items are detected immediately.
NEW! A socket filter to exclude sockets with names containing a string OR include all sockets with names containing a string!