https://youtu.be/1eY4a7i1LR4**** 本内容需购买 ****
[*]New summer elements: 2 feet, 1 glasses, 1 cap, 3 full torso, 1 backpack with 6 different textures each. And 1 skin tone and 1 skin detail.
夏季新元素:2 英尺、1 副眼镜、1 顶帽子、3 个完整的躯干、1 个背包,每个背包有 6 种不同的材质。以及 1 种肤色和 1 种皮肤细节。
[*]Full new scene showing save and load behavior in a runtime scenario. Also, added an example window in the character editor scene to show the save and load information working through two separate scenes.
[*]New jump animation (In place and root motion versions).
[*]Added new documentation: Technical document, F.A.Q., and Custom license file.
[*]Two new preconfigured character prefabs: Tama and Cuco.
两个新的预配置角色预制件:Tama 和 Cuco。
[*]Polishment on all skin weight objects: changing the bones number influence to 4 and fine-tuning some vertex weights.
抛光所有蒙皮权重对象:将骨骼数量影响更改为 4 并微调一些顶点权重。
[*]Broken prefabs fixing tool to fix an importation problem with the bones order in the skinned mesh.
[*]Minor general fixes and improvements.
换装游戏!!! jsdfoasdofasdf asdfasdfasdf 手动阀手动阀啊打发士大夫的撒按时地方 大大佛啊地方递四方速递法第三方