cg小白兔 发表于 2023-6-26 10:49:53

二维动画制作软件 Smith Micro Moho Pro 13.5.4 Win破解版

点击Insert Serial Number,输入序列号按钮,然后输入对应信息
点击Activate激活,会有一个弹窗出来提示无法连接激活服务器,然后点击Activate Manually手动激活
点击Create Activation Request…,保存Moho_ActivationRequest.txt到桌面
在注册机里点击Open Activation Cert Req,选择这个Moho_ActivationRequest.txt
会得到一个新的文件Activation Certificate Response.txt,会生成在和注册机一起的文件夹里
在Moho里点击Activate,选中Activation Certificate Response.txt即可

- Install application, but don't launch, do NOT start any trial!
- Replace patch.
- Block using a firewall.
- Open application, if you get a resource missing notice at first launch click OK button and it will continue just fine. (Running program as Admin also solves this notice.) It won't appear again after the first launch.
- Exported several animations without problems. (Export and encoding takes a bit of time depending on CPU hardware.)

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查看完整版本: 二维动画制作软件 Smith Micro Moho Pro 13.5.4 Win破解版