【更新】VR Physics Player Controller 1.44a
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HexaBody VR is a Physics Driven Rigidbody Controller featuring responsive locomotion, jumping, standing, and crouching. The body design allows for realistic player movement, feet and legs lift and stomp during the jump cycle making it easy to jump, land, and then stand up on objects and your environment.
This asset is built to work with the HurricaneVR Interaction Framework. It can still be used stand alone if you familiar with Unity programming.
Locomotion Features
-Smooth and Snap Turning.
-Walk, Run, Jump, Crouch, And Stand.
-Slope Angle Max Speed and Friction Curves.
-Easily control move speed based on crouch amount.
-Jump height controlled by Crouch Height based Animation Curve.
-Jump cycle feet lift and stomping controlled by animation curves.
-Configurable air acceleration
-Physics based climbing
-Stand on moving platforms using physics and friction
-Configurable horizontal jump velocity bonus based on crouch amount.
-Define player height and leg height percentage
-Sit / Standing mode with automatic height calibration
-Standing calibration scales the camera based on variance between user vs player height
-Adjustable curve for pelvis -z offset based on crouch height
-Head Collision
-Configurable Min / Max camera height
-Hand stuck detection and resolving
Input and Interaction Framework agnostic, requires one input wrapper script to drive the player controller with the inputs of your choosing. A SteamVR and XRInputs controller wrapper example is provided to get you started.
HexaBody VR 是一款物理驱动的刚性体控制器,具有反应灵敏的移动、跳跃、站立和蹲伏功能。身体设计允许玩家进行逼真的运动,在跳跃周期中,脚和腿会抬起并蹬地,这样就可以轻松地跳跃、着地,然后在物体和环境上站立。
该资产可与 HurricaneVR 交互框架配合使用。如果您熟悉 Unity 编程,也可以单独使用。
-可调整的骨盆曲线 -基于下蹲高度的 Z 偏移
与输入和交互框架无关,只需一个输入包装脚本,即可使用您选择的输入驱动玩家控制器。我们提供了一个 SteamVR 和 XRInputs 控制器包装器示例供您开始使用。