【更新】2.5D Isometric engine 1.3等距渲染引擎
Shiva is a 2.5D isometric rendering engine that handles correct draw order using depth masks.
-Precise per-pixel draw order
-No artifacts, no manual cutting sprites
-Grid independent, not tight neither to hex nor rhombs
-Sprites react to light as if they were 3D
-Point light / Spotlight / Directional light
-Normal mapping for 3D Sprite illusion
-No semi-transparency issues
-Sprite tiling(repetitive background)
-Sprite atlas support
-No 3D, only flat 2D sprites
-Easy configuration - only 1 script
Shiva 是一个 2.5D 等距渲染引擎,可使用深度掩码处理正确的绘制顺序。
-无 3D 效果,只有平面 2D 精灵
配置简单--只需 1 个脚本