cg小白兔 发表于 2024-1-4 13:30:41

【更新】BMT Building Maker Toolset 1.07p 内部装饰建筑物

本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-1-5 11:40 编辑

BMT Building Maker Toolset 系列索引

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BuildingMakerToolset provides a custom workflow for creating buildings and placing Prefabs.

If you need some buildings with interior for your game, or you are a level designer and you want to make your workflow more effective, this might be the right asset for you.

This toolset is paired with over 200 Prefabs of walls, cables, pipes, etc. All with PBR materials assigned. Textures are of 2K resolution. Built-in Render Pipeline, HDRP and URP compatible.

⭐Efficient: Place a wall with just one click instead of digging through your project folders, dragging it in to the scene and adjusting the rotation.

⭐Versatile: It's not just for placing walls. If you want to decorate your level with pipes, cables or other props, that have to be placed in a row, this toolset is perfect for the job.

⭐Extendible:You can easily setup any modular building set to work with this toolset.

BuildingMakerToolset 为创建建筑物和放置预制件提供了一个自定义工作流程。


该工具集配有 200 多个墙壁、电缆、管道等预制件。所有预制件都分配了 PBR 材质。纹理分辨率为 2K。内置渲染管道,兼容 HDRP 和 URP。

高效: 只需单击鼠标即可放置墙壁,而无需翻阅项目文件夹、将其拖入场景并调整旋转角度。



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查看完整版本: 【更新】BMT Building Maker Toolset 1.07p 内部装饰建筑物