cg小白兔 发表于 2024-4-24 12:33:12

Hero Stickman 2D 1.0 二维动画角色

Get ready to be blown away by our newest addition to the asset store! Say hello to our captivating 2D animated characters, brimming with high-quality animations that will leave you mesmerized. From the graceful Idle to the energetic Jump, Dash, and Run, to the dramatic Die, Attack, Skill, and Hit, these animations are crafted to perfection, guaranteeing an unforgettable gaming experience.

No matter if you're a seasoned game developer or just starting your journey, this asset is an absolute game-changer for anyone working on a 2D game. Its versatility and stunning visuals will elevate your game to new heights, leaving players awestruck.

Forget about complicated software requirements. You won't need Spine Software for this package. Just grab the Spine-Unity V4.1 Package, which is readily available, and you're good to go!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to breathe life into your game with these incredible animations. Grab them now and let your creativity soar!

准备好被我们最新加入资产商店的内容所震撼吧!向我们迷人的二维动画角色问好吧!这些角色充满了高品质的动画效果,让您目不暇接。从优雅的 "闲置 "到充满活力的 "跳跃"、"冲刺 "和 "奔跑",再到戏剧性的 "死亡"、"攻击"、"技能 "和 "命中",这些动画都制作得非常完美,可确保您获得难忘的游戏体验。

无论您是经验丰富的游戏开发人员,还是刚刚开始您的游戏之旅,该软件绝对能改变任何一款 2D 游戏的制作。它的多功能性和令人惊叹的视觉效果将把您的游戏提升到新的高度,让玩家叹为观止。

忘掉复杂的软件要求。这个软件包不需要 Spine 软件。只需下载 Spine-Unity V4.1 软件包,即可使用!


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