cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-7 11:42:04

Black Hole Creator 适配UE4.27,5.0

This blueprint allows you to create and customize a black hole in Unreal. The material has plenty of parameters that allow you to change the appearance of the accretion disk and the singularity.

This tool works with texture warping using quaternions, performing the distorsion on a skybox texture (which can either be a default skybox or a cube render target). It is fully compatible with the latest Space Skybox Libraries, watch the tutorial to see how those asset packs can be integrated with this one.

Update 1
Some technical issues that created visual artifacts in the old version have been removed.

Materials: 4
Material Instances: 6
Material Functions: 16
Textures: 5
Texture Channels: 4
Texture Resolution: 4096x4096
Cube Textures: 4



更新 1

材料 4
材料实例 6
材料功能: 16
纹理 5
纹理通道: 4 4
纹理分辨率: 4096x4096 4096x4096
立方体纹理 4

页: [1]
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