【更新】2D Hand Painted - Town Tileset 2 俯视城镇图块
A high-resolution tileset package in a topdown perspective.
128x128 hand painted tiles to create your towns. Including streets, walls, signs, market, and different types of houses.
- Two 2048x2048px Tilesets
- Tiles in 128x128px resolution
- animated tiles for water (optional)
- Shadows(optional) for depth and visual interest
- Example scene included
- 3 Color & 4 season versions
- PSD with adjustment layers
128x128 手绘瓷砖来创建您的城镇。 包括街道、墙壁、标志、市场和不同类型的房屋。
- 两个 2048x2048px 的图块集
- 分辨率为 128x128px 的图块
- 水的动画瓷砖(可选)
- 阴影(可选)以增加深度和视觉趣味
- 包括示例场景
- 3 种颜色和 4 季版本
- 带调整图层的 PSD