FAI - Fish AI & Flocks 1.0.0 水下AI系统
FAI is the most powerful underwater AI system currently on the Unity Asset Store. It contains not only a system that can be used to simulate a broad underwater ecosystem (salmons, sharks, whales...) but also a powerful and deeply-optimized flocking system that can run +20,000 units at the same time at +100 FPS.
FAI 是目前 Unity Asset Store 上最强大的水下 AI 系统。它不仅包含可用于模拟广泛水下生态系统(鲑鱼、鲨鱼、鲸鱼……)的系统,还包含功能强大且经过深度优化的群集系统,可同时以 +100 FPS 的速度运行 +20,000 个单位。