【更新】Hotel room 1.3酒店房间室内
Inside of a hotel room. The scenary is made of a bed with pillows and bedside tables. There are other objects and furniture like a wardrobe, some suitcases, lamps , chairs, a TV, paintings on the wall..etc. The bathroom has different basic models like a shower, washing basins, a toilet, a mirror, and small objects like towels, soap, etc. All the models are low-poly to be used in games and applications. Our latest update has been tested for VR
In 3D Everything we create 3D models and scenes so that you can develop your games, applications. Low-poly models to be used easily in any project.
酒店房间内。场景由一张床、枕头和床头柜组成。还有其他物品和家具,如衣柜、一些手提箱、灯、椅子、电视、墙上的画等。浴室有不同的基本模型,如淋浴、洗脸盆、马桶、镜子,以及毛巾、肥皂等小物件。所有模型都是低多边形,可用于游戏和应用程序。我们的最新更新已针对 VR 进行了测试
在 3D Everything 中,我们创建 3D 模型和场景,以便您可以开发游戏和应用程序。低多边形模型可轻松用于任何项目。