Matte Painting Skybox Pack II 适配UE5.4 天空环境
The pack uses the same system as in Epic's Demonstration Projects. They are one, distorted 360 degree images, modified for the UVs of a sphere mesh. The pack is not based on old 6 image based box system.
I am a former digital matte artist so I hope you like my paintings. Please note that I made these paintings specifically for this pack. It doesn't include the skybox images that can be found in my Elite Landscapes series.
6 sky images
1 high resolution desert landscape (8k)
6 Levels with different light setups.
该软件包使用与 Epic 演示项目相同的系统。它们是一个扭曲的 360 度图像,针对球形网格的 UV 进行了修改。该套件不是基于旧的 6 幅图像的盒子系统。
我曾是一名数字哑光艺术家,希望你们喜欢我的画作。请注意,这些画是我专门为这款软件包制作的。它不包括我的 Elite Landscapes 系列中的天空盒图像。
6 幅天空图像
1 幅高分辨率沙漠风景图(8K)
6 个不同光线设置的关卡。