cg小白兔 发表于 前天 12:15

Easy Pose 2.0.3 适配UE5.4简易姿势动作匹配工具

DescriptionSimplified Pose Matching with One-Click
With EasyPose, retarget animations effortlessly with a single button click, saving time and ensuring flawless animations.
The plugin has been designed to work with any bone structures (Epic, DAZ, CC, Mixamo, etc.), any skeletal models (human, monster, animal, etc.)


有了 EasyPose,只需单击一个按钮,就能毫不费力地重定向动画,从而节省时间并确保动画完美无瑕。

该插件适用于任何 骨骼 结构(Epic、DAZ、CC、Mixamo 等)、任何骨骼模型(人类、怪物、动物等)。

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查看完整版本: Easy Pose 2.0.3 适配UE5.4简易姿势动作匹配工具