【更新】Video Poker Starter Kit 1.1扑克工具包
This Video Poker Kit package is intended for those who want to create poker games using the Unity engine. The project features a complete game and has a lot of options while the source code is fully commented and easy to understand and extend.
The project contains 3 templates: Classic, Style, Arcade, each one having its own flavour and feeling, more like.each template is like a complete game. The graphics is created at 1080p and is designed in such a way that it fits a lot of screen types, from 16:9 down to 4:3 ratio.
Features in short:
- 3 templates: Classic, Style, Arcade
- high quality full HD graphics (great for mobile)
- all platform supported, optimized for mobiles
- code is well written and fully commented
- deck of cards drawn specifically for this kit
- smooth animations
- PSD files included, easy to create new skins
- easy made and complete video poker logic
- can be extended easily
该视频扑克工具包专为希望使用 Unity 引擎创建扑克游戏的用户设计。该项目包含一个完整的游戏和大量选项,源代码已完全注释,易于理解和扩展。
该项目包含 3 个模板: 每个模板都有自己的风格和感觉,更像是一个完整的游戏。图形以 1080p 制作,其设计方式适用于从 16:9 到 4:3 的多种屏幕类型。
- 3 个模板: 经典、时尚、街机
- 高质量全高清图形(非常适合移动设备)
- 支持所有平台,针对手机进行了优化
- 代码编写精良,注释完整
- 专为该套件绘制的扑克牌
- 流畅的动画效果
- 包含 PSD 文件,可轻松创建新皮肤
- 制作简单,视频扑克逻辑完整
- 可轻松扩展