【更新】Analogical Flight Instruments - GUI & Code 1.1飞行仪器仪表盘
All the Essential Flight Instruments in High Fidelity and Great Detail, ready to use! Suitable both for Arcade or Realistic Simulations.
Instrument data is automatically calculated by the script. You can link a reference to your aircraft Transform/RigidBody or leave it empty to automatically track the MainCamera's movements.
Main instruments: Airspeed, Altitude, Ground Height, Artificial Horizon (pitch and bank angles), Compass Heading, Turn Coordinator with Slip Ball, Vertical Velocity, Engine RPM, and Fuel.
DataConsole also displays extra information as G-Force (current, max, and min), Horizontal Velocity, Angle of Attack, Angle of Slip, Fuel Flow, and small timed custom warning messages.
This Asset also features:
- Prefabs with pre-made Layouts and variations (Compact, Simple, Full, and Floating Mode).
- Template Prefab for your own customizable panel design, floating instruments, or dashboard style.
- Works with any aircraft asset, model or physics, and also in any platform (including mobile).
- Adjustable Off-Set and Scaling factor to each instrument value to enable different orientations, unity conversion, or tweaking between Arcade / Precision Simulation (you can scale up values to make it Arcade-style).
- Configurable LowPassFilter factor to adjust between smooth reading or instant values.
- Mechanical rolling digits indicator
- Engine pitch sound synchronizes with engine RPM.
- You can manually set Fuel and Engine RPM values or set a reference speed for automatically synchronizing RPM with it.
- Set idle and máx Fuel consumption proportional to current Engine RPM and also engine shut down when there is no Fuel left.
- Includes a mini Sound Manager and a Console Display that shows small timed messages and all flight data.
- Texture Atlas for better Performance.
- Also comes with a simple Camera movement script that emulates an aircraft flight for proper testing of the instruments.
主要仪器 空速、高度、地面高度、人工地平线(俯仰角和倾角)、罗盘航向、带滑球的转弯协调器、垂直速度、发动机转速和燃料。
DataConsole 还可显示额外信息,如 G-Force(当前、最大和最小)、Horizontal Velocity、Angle of Attack、Angle of Slip、Fuel Flow 和小型定时自定义警告信息。
- 带有预制布局和变化(紧凑、简单、完整和浮动模式)的预制件。
- 模板预制件,用于自定义面板设计、浮动仪表或仪表盘样式。
- 可与任何飞机资产、模型或物理设备一起使用,也可在任何平台(包括移动平台)上使用。
- 可调整每个仪表值的偏置和缩放因子,以实现不同的方向、统一转换,或在街机/精密模拟之间进行调整(您可以放大数值,使其成为街机风格)。
- 可配置低通滤波系数,在平滑读数或即时数值之间进行调整。
- 机械滚动数字指示器
- 发动机音调与发动机转速同步。
- 您可以手动设置燃油和发动机转速值,也可以设置一个参考转速,以便自动调节转速。