【更新】Text Animator for Unity 2.3.0
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Text Animator for Unity 1.2.11下载链接
Text Animator for Unity 1.2.12下载链接
Text Animator for Unity 1.3.0 下载链接
Text Animator for Unity 1.3.1下载链接
Text Animator for Unity 1.3.3下载链接
Text Animator for Unity 2.0.2下载链接
Text Animator for Unity 2.1.0下载链接
Winner of Unity's Best Artistic Tool Award in 2023, Text Animator for Unity lets you animate letters and stack effects together (from built-in to your custom ones), show text dynamically with different speeds (like characters, puntuactions and words), trigger gameplay events when a specific letter is shown and much more! Works in any platform and rendering pipeline.
learn everthing about the asset and feel comfortable even before downloading it.
discover the many games that are using Text Animator and submit your(s) for future showcases.
read its requirements and learn exactly what you can do.
for any question or support request.
**Text Animator for Unity** 是 2023 年 Unity 最佳艺术工具奖的获奖者。它可以让您为字母添加动画并叠加效果(从内置效果到自定义效果),以不同的速度动态显示文本(如字符、标点和单词),在显示特定字母时触发游戏事件,以及更多功能!适用于任何平台和渲染管线。
- **在下载之前**,了解有关该资源的所有信息并感到放心。
- 发现许多正在使用 **Text Animator** 的游戏,并提交您的游戏以供未来展示。
- 阅读其要求,准确了解您可以实现的功能。
- 如有任何问题或支持请求,请联系我们。