小柚子 发表于 2016-1-8 09:49:44

Blink Video unity3d asset unity3d插件下载 U3D插件

本帖最后由 小柚子 于 2017-11-20 14:36 编辑

插件名称:Blink Video插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码

Blink Video unity3d asset unity3d插件下载 U3D插件   Unity3d官网

You can play \'Bink 1\' videos on screen and on object as material. Bink is faster than MovieTexture. Supports Win32 and Win64.
Supports transparent and subtitles.
How to play video on screen:
1) Place .bik video to the "Assets\\Video\\.." folder
2) Add BinkVideoFullscreen script to the camera
3) Write .bik filename (ex.: \'intro\\bikvideo.bik\')
How to play video on object:
1) Place .bik video to the "Assets\\Video\\.." folder
2) Create plane
3) Add BinkVideoObject script to the plane
4) Write .bik filename (ex.: \'intro\\bikvideo.bik\')

**** Hidden Message *****

badman 发表于 2016-6-28 17:00:14

Blink Video unity3d ! realy?

cym1992 发表于 2017-11-13 15:11:59

>_<Thanks for your help

yl25349558 发表于 2020-2-29 10:49:21


huray 发表于 3 天前

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查看完整版本: Blink Video unity3d asset unity3d插件下载 U3D插件