UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.0.0 unity3d asset U3D插件下载 unity3d
插件名称:UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.0.0插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.0.0 unity3d asset U3D插件下载 unity3d
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 系列索引:
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 2.0下载链接
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 2.0.1下载链接
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.0.4下载链接
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.1.6下载链接
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.1.8下载链接
UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 3.2.0下载链接
Requires Unity 5.3.1 or higher.
This project is UNET low level API example.
Creates a single UNET server to connect multiple players. Server is using MySQL.
You need only install MySQL, all other work you can easily doing on the server.
Check the login and password.
Verification of the use account (when you turn off "TestMode").
Sending character data on the client.
Tracking the movement of the character, as well as data validation.
Recovery password to e-mail
Three enemies type
Top list (top list updated every 30 second. And player data update if player has left game)
Character created
The character selection screen and displays the character's statistics
The movement of the character according to the server
Enemies model
Animate control system
Mobile control
In future updates:
Health bar
Rang system
More weapon
Top list
If you find bug or have question please send me on e-mail about it
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отличный пак отличный пак kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk good good good good good good good good 多谢分享! UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients'UNET 'Server + MySQL and Clients' 66666666666666666666666 Thanks dude :') Thanks bro :D i think i'm in love