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Obfuscator Pro系列索引:
Obfuscator Pro 3.3 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 3.9.4 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 3.9.5 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 3.9.8 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 4.0.3 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 4.0.5 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 4.0.6 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 5.0.2 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 5.0.3 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 5.0.5 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro 5.1.1 下载链接
Obfuscator Pro was developed to increase your software and game security, especially for applications built with Unity.
Its main objective is to conceal your own proprietary source code, and third party compiled dotNet assemblies as well. We support all known platforms, whether standalone or embedded.
What are Obfuscator Pro’s features?
Being designed for Unity, Obfuscator Pro considers Unity’s unique characteristics, like MonoBehaviours, ScriptableObjects, Serialization and Reflection, giving you a powerful but easy, and out-of-the box working obfuscator.
Obfuscator Pro features range from:
- Member Renaming:
-> Namespaces
-> Classes (also MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject subclasses)
-> Methods
-> Fields
-> Properties
-> Event
- String obfuscation
- Adding random code
- Anti debugging
- Anti tampering (mono)
- ControlFlow obfuscation (mono)
Obfuscator Pro 是为提高软件和游戏安全性而开发的,尤其适用于使用 Unity 构建的应用程序。
其主要目的是隐藏您自己的专有源代码以及第三方编译的 dotNet 程序集。我们支持所有已知平台,无论是独立平台还是嵌入式平台。
Obfuscator Pro有哪些功能?
Obfuscator Pro是专为Unity设计的,它考虑到了Unity独有的特性,如MonoBehaviours、ScriptableObjects、Serialization和Reflection,从而为您提供了一款功能强大、简单易用、开箱即用的混淆器。
Obfuscator Pro 的功能包括
- 成员重命名
-> 命名空间
-> 类(也包括 MonoBehaviour 和 ScriptableObject 子类)
-> 方法
-> 属性
-> 事件
- 字符串混淆
- 添加随机代码
- 防调试
- 防篡改(单声道)
- 控制流混淆(单声道)