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FS - Melee Combat System 系列索引:
FS - Melee Combat System 1.3.1 下载链接
FS - Melee Combat System 1.4.1 下载链接
Looking to add dynamic and immersive melee combat to your game, similar to what you see in titles like Assassin's Creed, Batman Arkham, etc.? Then this is the perfect asset for you. With this asset, you can create a free-flow combat system with features like combos, takedowns/finishers, counterattacks, block/parry systems, free-flow enemy AI, motion warping, etc.
Key Features:
Intuitive Attack & Combo Editor: Design and customize attack sequences and combo chains directly from the editor, making it easy to create a unique combat style for your game.
Advanced Enemy AI: Develop intelligent enemy behaviors where opponents tactically circle the player and attack one at a time, enhancing the realism and challenge of combat encounters.
Synced Reactions for Takedowns/Finishers: Utilize our synced reaction feature to choreograph smooth and impactful takedowns and finishers, adding a cinematic touch to your combat sequences.
Motion Warping: Ensure precise and natural movement during attacks with our motion warping feature, which adjusts the attacker’s position for a seamless strike.
Adaptive Attack Selection: Characters automatically choose different attacks and combos based on contextual factors like distance to the target and the target's health, ensuring varied and unpredictable combat.
Block/Parry System: Implement a robust defense mechanism with our block and parry system, allowing players to strategically defend against incoming attacks.
Counter System: Enhance your combat with a responsive counter system, enabling players to turn the tide of battle with well-timed counters.
Elevate your game's combat mechanics with our Melee Combat System and give your players the thrilling, free-flow combat experience they crave!
您是否希望在游戏中加入动态的、身临其境的近战战斗,就像您在《刺客信条》、《蝙蝠侠阿卡姆》等游戏中看到的那样?那么这就是最适合您的资产。使用该资产,您可以创建一个自由流战斗系统,该系统具有连击、擒拿/终结、反击、格挡/攻击系统、自由流敌人 AI、运动扭曲等功能。
直观的攻击和连击编辑器: 直接从编辑器中设计和自定义攻击序列和连击链,轻松为游戏创建独特的战斗风格。
先进的敌人 AI:开发智能化的敌人行为,让对手在战术上包围玩家并一次攻击一个,增强战斗遭遇战的真实感和挑战性。
攻防/终结者的同步反应: 利用我们的同步反应功能,编排流畅、有冲击力的摔倒和终结技,为您的战斗序列增添电影般的效果。
动作扭曲 我们的动作扭曲功能可调整攻击者的位置,实现无缝攻击,确保攻击过程中动作精确自然。
自适应攻击选择: 角色会根据与目标的距离和目标的健康状况等背景因素自动选择不同的攻击和连击,确保战斗的多样性和不可预测性。
格挡/攻击系统: 利用我们的格挡和招架系统实施强大的防御机制,让玩家能够战略性地抵御来袭。
反击系统: 使用