Whiskey Structure Builder is a Procedural Mesh Building Extension for the Unity Editor to create industrial looking assets, such as pipes, cables, ducst and all kind of tubular structures. You can create highly customizable assets right in the Unity Editor, save them to ScriptableObject files for later re-edition or export them to prefabs (with or without LOD groups). The tools provided are aimed at giving you the possibility to create assets that align and fit with the creative vision in your project, while taking care being optimized for performance.
Whiskey Structure Builder是Unity编辑器的程序性网格构建扩展,用于创建工业外观资产,如管道、电缆、管道和各种管状结构。你可以在Unity编辑器中创建高度可定制的资产,将它们保存到ScriptableObject文件,以便以后重新编辑,或将它们导出到预制板(有或没有LOD组)。所提供的工具旨在让你有可能创建与你的项目中的创意视野相一致的资产,同时注意优化性能。