Fantasy Skybox 1.2.3 卡通风格天空盒 Fantasy Skybox 1.6.7版下载链接
Fantasy Skybox 1.2.3
Fantasy Skybox 1.2.3 卡通天空盒 贴图材质
Fantasy Skybox 1.2.3 卡通天空盒
Fantasy Skybox
Fantasy Skybox 卡通天空盒
天空盒 贴图材质
Fantasy Skybox天空盒
卡通天空盒 贴图材质
Requires Unity 2017.3.1 or higher.
Fantasy Skybox contains 34 high-quality skybox. There are hand-painted textures for sun/sunless and moon/moonless. Demo scenes let you navigate through all skyboxes to find which one is the best for your game.梦幻天空盒包含34个高品质的天空盒。有手绘的纹理,太阳/没有太阳,月亮/没有月亮。演示场景让您浏览所有的天空盒,找出哪一个是最适合您的游戏。
? High-quiality hand-painted textures.
? Contains 34 skyboxes.
? Contains Sun and Sunless skyboxes.
? Contains Moon and Moonless skyboxes.
? Contains demo scene and sample scripts.
? Supports all build player platforms.