完整项目 【更新】Flare Engine - 2D Tools 1.8.12

插件名称: Flare Engine - 2D Tools
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/flare-engine-2d-tools-228468
版本: 1.8.12
素材类型: 完整项目
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2024-7-16 11:34 编辑

Flare Engine - 2D Tools 系列索引:

Flare Engine - 2D Tools 1.8.1  下载链接
Flare Engine - 2D Tools 1.8.11  下载链接
Flare Engine - 2D Tools 1.8.13  下载链接

Latest version install notes: you will need to install the new input system and set active input handling to Both in ProjectSettings/Player. Accept all dependencies. And please read the docs.

This engine comes included with Safire 2D Camera!
Player Controller: implement all the classic mechanics you've come to expect from a 2d platformer. Jump, air jumps, glide, hover, walk, run, slopes, rotate to slopes, ladder climb, ceiling climb, wall climb, wall slide, corner climb, corner hang, crouch, crawl, dash, multi-direction dash, swim, float, slope slide, push block, idle rope interactions, rope swing, ziplining, melee attacks, ground slide and friction, jump on enemy, damage push back, and probably a couple more! All abilities are highly customizable and raycast based.

Sprite Engine: this is a powerful tool for creating sprites. This removes the hassle of working with different systems by centralizing the power of creating sprites all in one place. No more creating animation objects or jumping from window to inspector to set things up. Everything is handled in the inspector. Play the sprites, test them in the scene, and -- its most powerful feature - even program the animation state logic in the inspector. This means no more code. Zero! In also provides support for 2d spines and unity animations.

Interactables: place interactive elements throughout the game level. The player can run and jump on bouncy bridges. Can swim and float in water with dynamic waves and currents. Can swing on rope that's under the influence of gravity. Can zipline on wiggly lines. Can high jump with wind or trampoline forces. Can teleport and be affected by the friction properties of the ground. Can interact with moving platforms (one-way too), and ...

Interactive Foliage: the player can interact with swaying foliage that can be placed on the ground, ceiling, and walls. It's an efficient system, and it can interact with all characters in the game world. It comes with a paint tool and a couple of brushes for easy placement in the scene!

Powerful AI Systems: yes, plural. The engine comes with a Behavior Tree Node Editor for creating truly complex AI. This comes with over 50 nodes and can debug in real time. The engine also uses an extremely versatile Finite State Machine that can be configured in the inspector to create enemy AI and all sorts of useful game functions. It can easily be used to program doors, design a check point system, or create patrolling AI. Designing AI has never been easier!

Pathfinding Platformer AI: as part of the AI system, implement pathfinding AI that can jump to platforms, climb ladders, climb ceilings, climb walls, even walk on bridges, and move up and down the level to follow the player! And since they're a part of the AI system, they can easily be made to shoot the player or whatever else you want!

Inventory: allow the player to find and store items. Use the inventory UI to move, drop, and use the items which are mapped to item events in the game world. And of course, the system will automatically restore and save the items when a scene begins and ends.

Dialogue: this is an interactive dialogue system for the player and NPCs. Create conversations, add message effects, call Unity Events, and even include simple animations in the dialogue box for immersive and fun interactions. Dialogue boxes can even be positional, depending on the position of the messengers.

Lets Wiggle: this is a tweening library. This can be used in code, but since the engine is determined to accomplish everything in the inspector, you can easily create tweens from the inspector! Tween gameobjects and UI. Super easy to work with and is a great complement to the AI system.

Firearms: create different types of firearms that can be controlled with the mouse or the player's direction or other methods. They include line of sight, charging capabilities, and recoil. Coupled with the Projectile class, it's possible to create a great variety of weapons.

World Variables: they save data and persist game state. They're also tied to scriptable objects for passing them around the game world for easy access!

More: Feel free to read the docs and explore the remaining tools -- Audio Manager, Scene Management, Scene Transitions, World Effects, Quest System and a couple more!

And of course, the project comes with two demo levels to learn from. Safire 2D camera has one demo.

Recommended version to use is Unity 2020.3. If there are any install errors, you typically have to install the Collections and New Input System from the Package Manager. Other possible packages: URP and Burst.


这个引擎包含了Safire 2D Camera!
玩家控制器:实现所有你所期待的2D平台游戏的经典机制。跳跃、空中跳跃、滑翔、悬停、步行、跑步、斜坡、旋转到斜坡、爬梯子、爬天花板、爬墙、滑墙、爬角、挂角、蹲下、爬行、冲刺、多方向冲刺、游泳、漂浮、滑坡、推块、空闲绳索互动、绳索摆动、滑翔、近战攻击、地面滑动和摩擦、跳到敌人身上、伤害推回,可能还有一些 所有的能力都是高度可定制的,并且是基于射线的。

雪碧引擎:这是一个创建雪碧的强大工具。它通过将创建精灵的力量集中在一个地方,消除了使用不同系统的麻烦。不再需要创建动画对象或从窗口跳到检查器来设置东西。一切都在检查器中处理。播放精灵,在场景中测试它们,以及--其最强大的功能--甚至在检查器中对动画状态逻辑进行编程。这意味着没有更多的代码。Zero! In还提供了对2d spines和unity动画的支持。




寻路平台AI:作为AI系统的一部分,实现寻路AI,它们可以跳到平台上,爬梯子,爬天花板,爬墙,甚至在桥上行走,并在关卡中上下移动,跟随玩家! 而且,由于它们是人工智能系统的一部分,可以很容易地使它们向玩家射击或其他任何你想要的东西!这就是人工智能!



Lets Wiggle:这是一个Tweening库。这可以在代码中使用,但由于引擎决定在检查器中完成一切,你可以很容易地从检查器中创建tweens! Tween gameobjects和UI。超级容易操作,是对AI系统的一个很好的补充。



更多: 欢迎阅读文档并探索其余的工具--音频管理器、场景管理、场景转换、世界效果、任务系统和其他一些工具

当然,这个项目还有两个演示关卡可以学习。Safire 2D相机有一个演示。

推荐使用的版本是Unity 2020.3。如果有任何安装错误,你通常要从包管理器中安装集合和新输入系统。其他可能的软件包: URP和Burst。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-7-8 15:57:11
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