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Ethereal URP - Volumetric Lighting & Fog系列索引:
Ethereal URP - Volumetric Lighting & Fog 1.1.6 下载链接
Ethereal URP - Volumetric Lighting & Fog 1.4 下载链接
Ethereal URP - Volumetric Lighting & Fog 1.6.5 下载链接
Ethereal URP - Volumetric Lighting & Fog 1.7.0 下载链接
Ethereal URP 2021 - Volumetric Lighting & Fog 1.7.4 下载链接
Ethereal URP - Volumetric lighting and Fog is an asset dedicated to the creation of atmospheric fog and volumetric lighting effects in the Universal Pipeline, by simulating the illumination of the small particles present in the atmosphere.
BIG LIMITED TIME OFFER: Upgrade to the new Environment Building Bundle from Ethereal with a massive discount ($99 vs $460 current price) and save more than $600 on ARTnGAME assets !
The asset can be upgraded to the full Sky Master ULTIMATE weather and volumetric clouds Suit for $9!!! Also Ethereal users can upgrade to other ARTnGAME assets with a discount !!!
InfiniGRASS, Ethereal, GIBLION, LUMINA Global Illumination, InfiniRIVER, ORION and Oceanis can be upgraded from Sky Master ULTIMATE with big discount (more than 50% off)!! Check on each asset page after Sky Master ULTIMATE purchase to see the discounted price.
The system is made for the native URP rendering system* for maximum performance and compatibility, bringing state-of-the-art volumetric lighting system to Unity URP platform.
The asset is also included in Sky Master ULTIMATE URP Suit, make sure to buy that system and upgrade to Ethereal for maximum discount and access to all atmosphere effects, including volumetric clouds for both URP and HDRP !!! Ethereal core system is same as the one included in Sky Master ULTIMATE URP and this standalone version contains a big number of extra demos and bonus forest assets and demo related URP foliage shaders.
The asset also includes the Atrium and Forest demos over Sky Master ULTIMATE URP version, with all assets available for use in your game. A bonus URP foliage shader is also included, featuring wind and sub surface scattering.
▶ All types of lights supported
▸ Volume shadows support (Directional, Spot, Point**)
▸ Shadow mask support with included mask shader
▶ Effect controls
▸ Density
▸ Height
▸ Atmospheric Scattering
▸ Tint
▸ Occlusion
▸ Quality
▸ Noise
▶ Texture2D and Texture3D Noise options
▶ Complete demo scenes for use in game, Forest and Atrium, including special foliage shader
Ethereal URP - Volumetric lighting and Fog是一款专用于在Universal Pipeline中创建大气雾和体积照明效果的软件,通过模拟大气中存在的小颗粒的照明。
该资产可以以9美元的价格升级到完整的Sky Master ULTIMATE天气和体积云套装! Ethereal用户也可以以折扣价升级到其他ARTnGAME资产!
InfiniGRASS、Ethereal、GIBLION、LUMINA Global Illumination、InfiniRIVER、ORION和Oceanis可以从Sky Master ULTIMATE以大折扣升级(超过50%的折扣)! 购买SKY MASTER ULTIMATE后,请在各资产页面查看折扣价格。
该系统专为原生URP渲染系统*制作,具有最高的性能和兼容性,为Unity URP平台带来了最先进的体积照明系统。
该资产也包含在Sky Master ULTIMATE URP套装中,请务必购买该系统并升级到Ethereal,以获得最大的折扣,并获得所有的大气效果,包括URP和HDRP的体积云!Ethereal的核心系统与Sky Master ULTIMATE URP中包含的系统相同,该独立版本包含大量额外的演示和奖励森林资产以及与URP叶片着色器相关的演示。