The MySQL and MariaDB Integration Plugin is a powerful and versatile tool designed specifically for developers and creators who use Unreal Engine. This integration allows for seamless communication between Unreal Engine projects and two of the most widely-used database management systems: MySQL and MariaDB. By bridging the gap between game development and database management, this plugin paves the way for more dynamic, data-driven applications and games.
Note : If you are using Blueprints Only Projects with this, you can manually copy the libmariadb.dll file from the Plugin's third party folder (MySQL\ThirdParty\MariaDB\libraries\Windows) to your Project's Binaries\Win64 folder. This is automatically copied when you are using C++ based project.
MySQL和MariaDB集成插件是一款功能强大、用途广泛的工具,专为使用虚幻引擎的开发人员和创作人员而设计。该集成允许在虚幻引擎项目和两个最广泛使用的数据库管理系统之间进行无缝通信: MySQL 和 MariaDB。通过弥合游戏开发和数据库管理之间的差距,该插件为更动态、数据驱动的应用程序和游戏铺平了道路。
注意:如果使用 Blueprints Only 项目,可以手动将 libmariadb.dll 文件从插件的第三方文件夹(MySQL/ThirdParty/MariaDB/libraries/Windows)复制到项目的 Binaries\Win64 文件夹。使用基于 C++ 的项目时,该文件会被自动复制。