Update 1.3
* Changed download type to Asset Pack to make integration into your own Projects easier.
As a result of this you need to go into Project settings and uncheck "Allow Static Lighting" for the demolevel to display correctly when imported into a new Project.
You also need to make sure that "Generate Mesh Distance Fields" is enabled in the Project Settings.
* Removed Virtual Texture from the landscape in order to make it easier to apply landscape to your own landscapes.
* Engine Version has been bumped to 5.0 for this update (Older versions are still usable on UE4.6 and up)
Update 1.2 : Imposters now work correctly with UE5.
UPDATE 1.1 : Content Update
Trees now have Octahedral Imposters(Billboards) set up.
This bumps the required engine version to 4.26, previous version is still available to 4.25 users.
UPDATE: By popular demand, here is a video running around in the provided scene using the Unreal FPS template.
The resolution is 1920x1080 and its running on a regular Gefore 1080 graphics card:
This contains the full Unreal Engine 4.25.4 project for a procedural forest scene, along with all models, textures, shaders, project settings, lighting and the map containing the procedural rules.
更新 1.3
* 将下载类型更改为资产包(Asset Pack),以便更轻松地集成到自己的项目中。
因此,您需要进入 “项目设置”,取消选中 “允许静态照明”,这样在导入新项目时,demolevel 才能正确显示。
您还需要确保在 “项目设置 ”中启用 “生成网格距离域”。
* 删除了景观中的虚拟纹理,以便更容易将景观应用到自己的景观中。
* 本次更新将引擎版本提升至 5.0(旧版本仍可在 UE4.6 及以上版本上使用)
更新 1.2: 冒名顶替者现在可在 UE5 上正常工作。
更新 1.1: 内容更新
这将所需的引擎版本提升至 4.26,之前的版本仍适用于 4.25 用户。
更新:应广大用户的要求,这里提供了一段使用虚幻 FPS 模板在提供的场景中运行的视频。
分辨率为 1920x1080,在普通 Gefore 1080 显卡上运行:
这包含一个程序化森林场景的完整虚幻引擎 4.25.4 项目,以及所有模型、纹理、着色器、项目设置、光照和包含程序化规则的地图。