This pack is meant to add various realistic water and liquid VFX into your game with 1 click
It contains 22 UNIQUE realistic water effects which can be used in games
Made with NIAGARA FX!
Foam Spray
Water Splash
Water Spline
You can tweak materials to get custom color variants
You can tweak all of the effects simply by changing a few parameters easily
Compatible with blueprint
Optimized for high performance
Suitable for GAMES and MOVIES!
They are realistic visual effects.
Content and Technical Details
Type of Emitters: (CPU)
Number of Unique Effects: 22
Number of Module Script : 1
Number of Master Materials: 12
Number of Instance Materials: 33
Number of Demo Map : 1
MPC : 1
Number of Textures: 40
Number of Blueprints: 7
Number of Enum : 1
Number of Unique Meshes: 13
Supported Development Platforms:
Windows: (Yes)
Mac: (Yes)