本帖最后由 cg小白兔 于 2025-3-25 16:44 编辑
With Machina-Fractals: Essence, you can explore fractals in real-time like never before in Unreal Engine 5.
Short Film
Tutorials :
Cinematic Fractals: VIDEO
Import Fractals into your level : VIDEO
Create geometry from fractals : VIDEO
Fractals and collisions : VIDEO
Animate Fractal parameters (MATERIAL VERSION) : VIDEO
Render animations in 4k (MATERIAL VERSION) : VIDEO
Houdini Engine is required for Mesh and collisions, you can find a guide about how to install it here.
More than 30 parameters for each fractal blueprint, including different transformation modes that can be combined plus an insane control over the color and emission, all following the fractal shape.9 Levels in total with 9 different formulas, each one can be animated with the sequencer and tweaked to create the most mind-blowing environments or live visual performance, thanks to instance parameters you can easily tweak Fractal parameters in real-time, apply textures in different ways or input 3 color gradients directly.The performance varies based on the fractal complexity and which parameter and mode are enabled but we've decided to keep all parameters in case you want to render out short films without caring about the FPS.
使用 Machina-Fractals: 您可以在虚幻引擎 5 中前所未有地实时探索分形。
教程 :
电影分形 视频
利用分形创建几何图形 : 视频
分形与碰撞 视频
将分形参数动画化(材料版): 视频
以 4k 渲染动画(材质版):视频 视频
网格和碰撞需要使用 Houdini 引擎,您可以在此处找到安装指南。
每个分形蓝图都有 30 多个参数,包括可组合使用的不同变换模式,以及对颜色和发射的疯狂控制,所有这些都遵循分形形状。每个分形蓝图都可使用序列器制作动画并进行调整,从而创造出最震撼人心的环境或现场视觉效果。由于有了实例参数,你可以轻松地实时调整分形参数,以不同方式应用纹理或直接输入 3 种颜色渐变。