插件名称:Quest Machine 1.0.1 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Quest Machine 1.0.1 unity3d asset unity编辑器下载 unity插件
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Quest Machine 1.0.1 unity3d asset unity编辑器下载 unity插件

This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.3.6 or higher.
Quest Machine is a full-featured, extensible quest system that lets you add hand-written and procedurally-generated quests to your project.
>> Web | Demo | Manual | Free Trial
No scripting required.
Procedurally-generated quests: Create unlimited quests at runtime based on the actual state of the game world. Your players will always have something interesting to do!
Hand-written quests: Create any type of quest you can imagine, using an elegant node-based editor. You're not locked into a limited set of archetypes.
Powerful, flexible UI system:
? Dialogue UI: Offer, update, & turn in quests.
? Quest Journal: Review active and completed quests.
? Tracking HUD: Show quest progress.
? Alert HUD: Show alert messages.
? Overhead Indicators: Tell player when NPCs have quest-related dialogue.
? Gracefully handles switching between mouse, keyboard, joystick, and touch input.
Versatile quest control components: Control object spawning and quest states with an easy-to-use event-based system.
Advanced text handling:
? Give your characters unique dialects.
? Localize quest content and UIs.
? Import and export to CSV (e.g., Excel & Google Sheets).
Save and load: Save and load games, persist data across scene changes.
Broad platform support:
? Works great in 2D and 3D.
? Supports multiplayer games.
? Tested on Windows, Mac, WebGL, Android, iOS, Windows Store/UWP10.
Great programmer support:
? Includes complete, thoroughly-documented source code.
? Extensive scripting API.
? Easy starter templates to create your own quest conditions, actions, UI content, and reward systems.
Includes support for:
? DMMap Minimap System
? Love/Hate
? PlayMaker
? Rewired
? And more coming soon!