脚本/功能 Mesh Combine Studio 1.16 unity3d asset Unity3d插件 unity官网

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Mesh Combine Studio 1.16 unity3d asset Unity3d插件 unity官网

Mesh Combine Studio 1.16 unity3d asset Unity3d插件 unity官网

Mesh Combine Studio 1.16 unity3d asset Unity3d插件 unity官网

Requires Unity 5.1.5 or higher.
Special introductory price with 50% discount! For a limited time only get it for $35 instead of $70!

Mesh Combine Studio is an automatic cell based mesh combiner which can significantly to dramatically improve the performance of your game. It can be used on any type of game for any platform.

We use MCS technology in our game D.R.O.N.E. for our modular Arena Editor and without it we would only get 1 fps.

Instead of manually combining meshes, which is very tedious, MCS will do this automatically for you and the performance improvements it gives cannot be achieved with manual combining. Just simple drag and drop a MCS prefab in your Scene and tweak some values to your specific needs and you are ready to go.

MCS can give up to 20x better performance compared to Unity’s static batching. MCS can give a more smooth and stable FPS. The smaller the to combining meshes are the more performance improvement it gives. It works great on systems that use modular meshes as well as static objects like buildings, props, rocks, etc. MCS has a unique features to remove geometry that is never visible to the camera.

Not only are the draw calls greatly reduced, but since MCS combines meshes into cells, it dramatically improves culling performance as well. Less objects need to be culled, z-sorted and LOD switched. MCS has automatic LOD compatibility. LODs are switched per cell which gives better performance and less LOD popping.

MCS Dungeon Architect Demo
MCS Modual City Allay Pack Demo

Documention | Forum

* Supports from Unity 5.1 until the latest Unity 2017 beta.
* Supports all platforms (PC, Mac, Linux, Android, IOS, WebGL, etc).
* Supports all mesh formats that Unity supports (.fbx, .obj, .dea, 3ds, .skp, etc).
* Easy to use, simple and self explaining Inspector with tool-tips.
* Advanced and performant multi-threaded combine job manager with low memory overhead and GC friendly.
* Cell based mesh combining, which is optimal for culling, z-sorting and LOD switching.
* Can be used as a faster alternative to Unity’s static batching and can give significant to drastic performance improvements.
* Fully automated combining like Unity’s static batching (but with more options), no tedious manually combining and get results in a few clicks.
* No vertex or triangle increase compared to original meshes.
* Remove triangles and vertices that are under any surface (terrain and/or meshes). E.g. for rocks this can reduce +35% of the geometry.
* Remove backface culling triangles and vertices on the background geometry (where the camera can never go). This can reduce +50% of the geometry.
* Original GameObjects components keep working, e.g. scripts, colliders, etc.
* Automatically switches between rendering combined or original GameObjects and can be easily reverted.
* Combine in Editor and/or Runtime.
* Combine dynamic meshes (Multiple meshes for one moving part can be combined into one mesh).
* Automatic LOD compatibility. LODs are switched per cell which give better performance and less LOD popping.
* Extensive lightmapping support for realtime and baked GI (copying of baked GI without the need for rebaking).
* Supports negative scaling and double shadows.


作者 拖拉机 发表于 2017-12-21 14:52:09


Thank you for sharing this asset, thanks!
发表于 2017-12-26 03:48:57


感謝無私公享 ! 一但好用馬上付費購買正版!
发表于 2017-12-26 11:35:32


发表于 2018-1-17 21:56:33


发表于 2018-2-4 16:37:59


Mesh Combine Studio 1.16 unity3d asset Unity3d插件 unity官网
发表于 2018-6-10 21:04:05


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