插件名称:Graph And Chart 1.211 | 插件官网:访问官网 | 版权协议:Red pine1.1 | 解压密码:通用密码 | Graph And Chart 1.211 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 iOS开发
Graph And Chart 1.211 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 iOS开发
Graph And Chart系列索引:
Graph And Chart 1.81 下载链接
Graph And Chart 1.952 下载链接
Requires Unity 5.2.0 or higher.
State of the art charts, 2D and 3D. Beautiful, Responsive and Interactive. Completely customizable from the editor and does not require even one line of code. Can be used within any platform including VR/AR.
Online Demo | Realtime plotting Demo
Bar Chart , Pie Chart , Torus Chart , Graph Chart , Bubble Chart and Radar Chart. All can be either 2D or 3D. All can be customized completly with your own colors, materials and prefabs. Integates with UI Canvas.
Online Mannual | Support Forum
1. Full source code included
2. Full editor preview for all charts
3. Click, hover and leave events for all charts.
4. More than a dozen ready made themes. Some can be seen in the screen shots below. More are coming.
5. 2D/3D Responsive Bar chart with labels ,supporting multiple categories and groups and can be set up completely from within the unity editor without writing a single line of code. The bar chart can be customized even more by using your own materials and prefabs instead of the deafult ones.
6. 2D/3D Responsive Pie chart and torus chart with lables, can be set up completely from within the unity editor without writing a single line of code. The pie chart can be customized even more by using your own materials and prefabs instead of the deafult ones.
7. 2D/3D Responsive Graph chart , with multiple categories , line fill and point marks. Visual apearance can be set up from within the unity editor without writing a single line of code. The graph chart can be customized even more by using your own materials for lines, line fill, and points. supports realtime plotting with autoscrolling in 2D supports bezier curves
8. 2D/3D Responsive Bubble chart , with multiple categories. Visual apearance can be set up from within the unity editor without writing a single line of code. The Bubble chart can be customized even more by using your own materials for points.
9.2D/3D Responsive Radar chart , with multiple categories , line fill and point marks. Visual apearance can be set up from within the unity editor without writing a single line of code. The radar chart can be completly customized by using your own materials for lines, fill, and points.
10. Axis components with customized materials and apearance, date labels, texture tiling along the axis lines, and more.
11. A legend prefab that can be used with all types of charts.
12. Chart animation components for bar, pie ,torus and 2D graph charts
13. Includes gradient material for both canvas and world space.
14. includes ready made textures for line styles and point styles, and ready made prefabs use with all charts.
For detailed information check out the Online Mannual