Pixel Arsenal 1.3 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 Unity3d教程
Pixel Arsenal 1.3
要求Unity 5.3.4 或更高版本。
Pixel Arsenal is a bundle of 419 retro game FX. This includes missile, explosion, beam, flamethrower, powerup, fire and several other particle effects.
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- All FX are made in 5 colors
- Most FX also have a modular version
- 88 Projectile FX
- 88 Impact FX
- 50 Muzzleflash FX
- 10 Beam FX
- 45 Sound FX
- 5 BeamUp FX
- 10 BoostPad FX
- 10 BeamUp FX
- 15 Fire FX
- 10 Flamethrower FX
- 5 Nova FX
- 25 Pickup / Powerup FX
- 5 Portal FX
- 5 Regenerate FX
- 5 Slash FX
- 5 Sparkle FX
- 5 SpikyBlast FX
- 5 SwirlyAura FX
- Pre-colored texture atlases
- Modular texture atlases
- Low res texture atlases
- Interactive demo project