编辑器拓展 Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d asset unity3d编辑器 Unity3d shader

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Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d asset unity3d编辑器 Unity3d shader

Shader Weaver系列索引:

Shader Weaver 1.2.2  下载链接
Shader Weaver 1.3.4  下载链接
Shader Weaver 1.5.0  下载链接
Shader Weaver 1.6.1  下载链接

Shader Weaver

Shader Weaver

Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d

Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d

Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d

Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d

Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d

Shader Weaver 1.3.0 unity3d

Links: Website | Examples | Tutorials | Nodes | FAQ | Forum
Shader Weaver v1.3.4
After months of work, Shader Weaver 1.3.x is here with major editor performance boost. Extends Shader Weaver with Code Node, use templates or write your own code.
New! Support Unity 2018
New! Blend Mode: Off
New! Compatible with NGUI. Add a new ShaderType 'UI2D Sprite(NGUI)'
New! Normal map support
New! 25 new Blend Operators
New! Code Node
New! Dummy Node
New! Coord Node
New! Resolution setting for Mask/Remap
New! Tutorials for new nodes
New! 4 examples of code node
Latest Improvements
? Remap Node improvement
? Remade Mixer Node
? Editor window optimization
? Smooth preview on mouse over
? Color and Custom Params can be changed immediately without updating
? More hotkeys
? UI layout tweak
? Unify line ending for win/mac
? Support render type option
? Support shader name editing
? Bug fixes
Shader Weaver is a node-based shader creation tool specializing in 2d/Sprite/UI effects, giving you the artistic freedom to enhance Sprites/UI in a visual and intuitive way. Support Unity 5/2017/2018.
Distinctive nodes and workflow makes it easy to create impressive 2d effects and save huge time.
Use handles/gizmos to make effects rather than input tedious numbers. Draw masks and create remap textures with convenient tools inside Shader Weaver.Graphics tablet is supported.

?Growing Samples
A pack of sample effects including shaders and textures to study and use freely. All effects in trailers/tutorials are in the package.

?Intuitive interface
Clean and intuitive user interface.

?Mask Texture Creation
Draw masks to divide areas for individual sub-effects.

?UV Distortion
A visual way to distort uv coordinates.

?UV Remapping
A unique way to make path along effects and object surrounding effects.

?Simple Operation
Use handles/gizmos like what you use to do.

Nice width/height corresponding preview.

?Hot keys
Comfortable hot keys speed up editing and drawing.

Fully support Undo/Redo on nodes,numbers and textures.

?Play Mode
Edit and update in play mode.

?Copy Paste
Support copy and paste. Reuse nodes from other Shader Weaver project.

Depth Sorting.

?Visual Modes
View textures' individual rgba channel and choose what to see by setting layers.

No extra files to sync over version control system. All Shader Weaver data are stored in .shader files.

Make the change, use 2D dedicated shader creation tool to enhance visual quality of your game.


作者 浪浪 发表于 2018-5-9 11:54:21


发表于 2018-6-11 11:07:36


发表于 2020-2-29 08:22:47
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