完整项目 Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12 unity3d asset U3D插件

插件名称:Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12插件官网:访问官网
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Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12 unity3d asset U3D插件,Unitypackage插件下载。

同属于Shooter IO风格的插件索引:

Shooter IO - Photon Unity Networking Edition 1.01  下载链接
Shooter IO - Multiplayer Shooting Arena 1.06  下载链接
Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.14  下载链接
Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.20  下载链接
Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.21  下载链接
Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.21b  下载链接
Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.22  下载链接



Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

Shooter IO with Battle Royale game mode 1.12

要求Unity 2017.4.2 或更高版本。
Shooter IO is multiplayer shooting arena game template which integrated UNET for networking

Caution: This package required Unity Purchasing (Guide to setup) and Unity Ads (Guide to setup)

- UNET Networking integrated
- Create game and join via LAN
- Host global server and play with players around the world
- Character selection
- Weapon selection
- Gun, melee weapon
- Exp and Level up
- Hp, Armor, Move speed, Weapon damage rate, Armor reduce damage rate, Exp rate, Score rate, Hp recovery, Hp leech attributes
- Character movement & attack
- Gun reload
- Bot Character
- In-App Purchase
- Advertisement Monetization
- Collectibles powerups
- Mobile and Keyboard input
- Chat and emoticon
- IO/Death Match/Battle Royale game modes
[ Document ]

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作者 手游小结巴 发表于 2018-5-26 10:47:54


发表于 2018-6-5 11:51:13


发表于 2020-3-1 04:37:27
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