Requires Unity 2018.2.1 or higher.
ArchVizPRO Interior Vol.6 brings to you a Scandinavian style house, build in every single detail.
The scene is high optimized, perfect for a smoot and immersive VR experience !
All furniture and props are highly detailed and can be reused in any other project.
NEW! Improved rain FX in v.1.2 .ArchVizPRO Inter.Vol.6为您带来了斯堪的纳维亚风格的房子,建造的每一个细节。场景是高优化,完美的SMOOT和身临其境的VR体验!所有家具和道具都非常详细,可以在任何其他项目中重用。
FORUM Thread
- Fully explorable interior
- More than 200 prefabs
- VR Desktop Ready (Oculus, Vive)
- Mobile Ready (Android, iOS)
- Ready for Baked and Realtime GI
- HD 4K Texture
- Post Processing Stack Setup
- Custom shader (Height Blend 3 Layer, Height Blend 2 layer, Nature Wind, Parallax Occlusion, Velvet, Flipbook, Double Sided )
ArchVizPRO, your secret weapon for Achitectural Visualization !