Requires Unity 5.3.8 or higher.
Some simple physics manipulation scripts:
Simply drag these scripts onto a game object with a collider component attached and watch it do the rest.
New November 2017 - We have just added a new realism mode for the magnet script which attempts to obey Newton's second law.
Additionally to this we have also added a simple propulsion system called the Thruster Engine. This system allows you to create simple rockets, and ships using multiple thrusters, and includes a very simple hover mode which will allow ships to hover over terrain. (BETA)
Our Projectile system now also includes an object spawn limit for automated scene cleanup.
Lastly, we have also added some custom inspector windows to streamline development on the more complex scripts, and included a few new gizmo icons.
Note: All scripts have been tested in VR (Virtual Reality) scenes, by ourselves and some users of the asset, we are therefore happy to say that this asset is now VR Ready
Current Classes:
-Magnet (Attract/Repulse Rigidbodies) Newly Updated (Nov 2017)
-Thruster Engine - Allows you to create propulsion systems and hover effects in their most basic form (beta) New (Nov 2017)
-Projectile Spawn (Shoot items in a direction) Newly Updated (Nov 2017)
-Wind (Push Rigidbodies in a specified direction)
-Bounce Plate (Bounce Rigidbodies Upwards)
-Water (Allow Rigidbodies to float)
-Zero Gravity (Disable gravity when Rigidbodies enter zone)
-Destroy Objects (Killzone - Destroy objects when this region is hit) New (2017)
-Interactable Item - Simply acts as a filter (Dummy Script)
Setup Notes:
Required Components: None
-Drag Script on to any Game Object
-Adjust Inner and Outer Radius to preference
-Select either attract or repulse mode
-Adjust Magnet Force
-Enable realism mode to allow the system to attempt to obey Newton's 2nd Law
-Enjoy the magnetic beauty
Thruster Engine:
Required Components: Rigibody, on object, or parent
-Drag Script on to any Game Object (or as a child of an object, such as a rocket)
-Adjust force variables as needed, and setup your initial thrust levels
-Enable hover mode if you would like
-Enjoy basic propulsion
Projectile System:
Required Components: Game Objects (array)
-Drag Script on to any Game Object
-Add projectiles to projectile array
-Alter force, innacuracy, emit rate
-Adjust firing angle of the object
-Enjoy! This is great for some firing system.
Bounce Plate:
Required Components: Collider (All types supported)
-Drag Script to any Game Object
-Adjust Bounce to preference
Required Components: Collider (All types supported)
-Drag Script to any Game Object
-Adjust Lift to preference
-Rotate object to adjust direction
Zero Gravity:
Required Components: Collider (All types supported)
-Drag Script to any Game Object
-That's it!
Required Components: Box Collider (Will automatically remove any other colliders and add Box Collider)
-Drag Script to any Game Object
-Adjust size to preference
-Adjust pressure to preference
-Adjust water drag to preference
Object Destroyer (Killzone):
Required Components: Box Collider - Must be set as trigger
-Drag Script to any Game Object
-Adjust size of collider to preference
-Enjoy. Any colliders which impact this area are destroyed. Great for scene cleanup.