脚本/功能 Complete Sound Suite 2018新版

Complete Sound Suite 2018新版

Complete Sound Suite 2018新版

Beat Detection
Beat Detection Algorithm can detect the beats of any audio source in realtime by using frequency spectrum analysis (FFT), audio energy or both simultaneously.
You can use the script in your games or applications and make your applications react to the music. It is really easy to configure, simply add the script to the object with the audio source and choose the detection mode:
- Energy Mode: This mode will detect the beats analyzing the music volume changes. When a beat is detected a 'energy' code is returned.
-Frequency mode: This mode uses spectrum analysis and can detect three different beats, low (kick), medium (snare) and high (hit hat) beats.
-Both: Using both methods you can get a complete control on the beats of your music.
The code is high-performance and you can use it on mobile devices and even use several scripts simultaneously to control many audio sources.
Full source C# code included.

Pitch Detection
Detects human voice pitch in realtime. Get the notes in midi format, standard notation (C, C#, D, E...) or even the frequency in hertz of any human voice. This script will allow you make singstar-like games in a single step.
Demo scene included for web, mobile and desktop devices. The demo shows how to setup the script and microphone to get the samples and also has code for some more interesting tools:
-Set up the mic sensitivity in decibels
-Use a buffer to get the statistical 'mode' for the note in a period of milliseconds. This is useful because human voice has some kind of natural vibrato and may confuse the detector by a semitone.
There is also a very simple template scene that will help you to start your project from a minimun funtional pitch detector.

Filter and Effects
Reverb, three band equalizer, tremolo, delay, high pass, low pass and biquad.
Seven astonishing sound effects and filters.
All parameters and configurations can be changed in realtime.
Super simple setup, drag and drop the script into any gameobject which contains an audio source.
You can stack as many effects as you want in the same object.
You can apply effects to many objects in the scene and plays simutaneously.
Ultra fast algorithms, works fine in mobile devices.

Volume Meter and Spectrum Meter
Display the volume and frequencies of any sound in 3D meters. Super easy setup, drop the prefab, attach audio and ready! You can resize, move, rotate even animate each meter.

3D Volume Meter and Spectrum Analysis in real time. Two prefabs ready to use in any scene. Simply drop the prefab where you wish and attach an audio source. The Volume Meter will display the volume level of the sound in real time and the Spetrum Analysis will sow the different frequency levels also in real time. Both prefabs are resizable and animable.
You can configure many display options, there are six different leds shapes to choose, two color schemas, you can set the total number of leds in each column, the number of columns in the spectrum analysis and many many options.

Vintage vuMeter
Display the volume of any sound in realtime in a vintage vuMeter. Super easy setup, drop the prefab, attach audio and ready! You can resize, move, rotate even animate each meter.
You can attach the meter to the left channel, right channel of both at ame time. It os possible to get multiple meters at same time, attached to the same audio source or to different one. Even is possible to metter the microphone input

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作者 茶叶 发表于 2018-12-11 16:30:19
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