脚本/功能 Smooth Sync 3.11 简易网络同步工具

插件名称:Smooth Sync 3.11插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码
Smooth Sync 3.11

要求Unity 5.3.0 或更高版本。 Docs | API | Forum Simple drop-in setup for UN ...

要求Unity 5.3.0 或更高版本。                    Docs  |  API  |  Forum   Simple drop-in setup for UN ...
Smooth Sync系列索引:

Smooth Sync 2.01  下载链接
Smooth Sync 2.02  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.01  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.02  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.03  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.09  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.17  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.20  下载链接
Smooth Sync 3.22  下载链接
要求Unity 5.3.0 或更高版本。
Simple drop-in setup for UNet, PUN, and PUN2. No coding required!
Smooths Rigidbodies and Transforms over the network with ease. Just add the SmoothSync script to any game object and watch it be smoooooth.

We aimed to improve NetworkTransform on all fronts. Smooth Sync is more configurable, uses less bandwidth, and gives you smoother and more accurate syncing of your objects.

Used by over 1 million gamers!
Reduced Costs
We only send what you need, reducing the networking costs over Unity's Network Transform by up to 60%. Use Unity's own calculator to see just how fast it will pay for itself and save you money.

Interpolation and Extrapolation
Performs interpolation and extrapolation to compensate for lag.

Highly Configurable
Choose what you want to send and when you want to send it. Optionally compress floats to further reduce bandwidth. Customizable interpolation and extrapolation settings depending on your game's needs.

Example Scene
Comes with a fully functional and documented example scene.

Source Code
The full source code is provided so you can see everything with detailed comments.

Profressional Support
We have a consistent record of prompt and effective support. Contact us via email or forums any time and we will work with you to resolve any issue.

We are actively developing this plugin for use in our own multiplayer game so we are very fast to respond to issues and put out fixes.

Supports Rigidbody, Rigidbody2D, Transforms, child objects, dedicated servers, P2P setup, pausing, host migration, and authority / ownership changes. Let us know if you think we are missing something you need!

Runs on Windows, OSX, Linux, iOS, Android, WebGL, Windows Phone, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo. If Unity runs it, it'll run!

Check Out Our Other Assets
Match Up provides hassle free matchmaking support for ANY networking system.
NAT Traversal Adds NAT punch-through and automatic port forwarding to your game.


作者 如果没有感觉 发表于 2019-1-5 15:25:35


带骨骼的    棒哒哒
发表于 2020-3-5 21:30:43
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