Requires Unity 2018.2.0 or higher.旨在帮助您仅使用一个脚本和一个画布来模拟复古3D图形
Welcome to PSXEffects! This is an asset package designed to assist you in simulating retro 3D graphics with just one script and a canvas. Setup is very easy and instructions and documentation is included.
Key features include:
-Adjustable aliased resolution
-Framerate limiting
-Affine texture mapping (texture distortion)
-Draw distance for entire polygons
-Vertex snapping
-Lack of Z-Buffer simulation
-Color depth
-Specular support
-Cubemap support
-Normal mapping
-Metal/smoothness mapping
-Emission mapping
-Specular mapping
-Vertex color support
-Fog support
-Per-vertex lighting
-Lightmap support
-Saturated diffuse
-Contrast-enhanced fade in/out effects
-Original PSX lighting techniques
-Plenty of shader properties
-All adjustable settings