完整项目 MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.42b 生存项目

插件名称:MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.42b插件官网:访问官网
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MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.42b

MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.42b

MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.42b
MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode)系列索引:

MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.26  下载链接
MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.37  下载链接
MMORPG KIT (With Survival Mode) 1.43  下载链接
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MMORPG KIT 1.47b  下载链接
MMORPG KIT 1.48c  下载链接
Requires Unity 2018.2.2 or higher.
This package contains various of script and example to help you create your own Single/LAN/MMO Survival Action RPG game.这个包包含各种脚本和示例,帮助您创建自己的单/LAN/MMO生存动作RPG游戏

- No CCU Limit
- Multiple Map Server for MMO Mode
- Account & Character Management for MMO Mode
- Sqlite, MySQL database for MMO Mode
- Character save as Binary file for Singleplayer/LAN Mode
- Characters with various stats (Hp, Mp, Armor, Accuracy, Evasion, Critical Rate, Critical Damage Rate, Block Rate, Block Damage Rate, Move Speed, Attack Speed, Weight Limit
- Customizable character attributes, you can setup any attributes such as Strength, Dexterity, Vitality, Intelligence and so on as you wish
- Damage Element and Resistance system which able to customize you can setup Fire, Lightning, Ice and so on as you wish
- Customizable defend equipment, you can setup any armor to equip at any location such as Head, Chest, Feet as you wish
- One Hand, Dual, and Two Hands weapons
- Equipment effectiveness with attributes, Sword may be better using with characters who have much Strength, Bow may be better using with characters who have much Dexterity
- Equipment Refine/Enhancement
- Equipment Set
- Character Skills, Attack/Buffs/Debuffs
- Group/Party Skills
- Summon Monster Skills
- Gain Exp, Gold, and Items from Monsters
- Gain Exp, Gold, and Items from Quests
- Customizable NPC dialogs, you can setup any dialogs, menu, and condition to show menu
- NPC can assign quests
- NPC quest indicators
- NPC can sell items
- Player can sell items to NPC
- Player can deal items and gold to other player
- Player can battle with other players (PVP)
- Item craft system
- Hungry, Thirsty, Food and Water
- Building system
- Harvesting system
- Cash Shop
- Party System
- Guild System
- Guild Level and Skills System
- Customizable guild member roles
- Pet System
- Single Player Instance Dungeon System
- Party Instance Dungeon System
- Player storage system, players can deposit/withdraw an item from storage, other characters in the same account also able to access the storage
- Guild storage system, players can deposit/withdraw an item from storage, other characters in the same guild also able to access the storage
- Player bank system, players can deposit/withdraw gold from the bank, other characters in the same account also able to access the bank
- Guild bank system, players can deposit/withdraw gold from the bank, other characters in the same guild also able to access the bank
- In-App Purchasing for in-game hard currencies
- Multiplayer networking system implements using LiteNetLib
- Support both Legacy animation and Mechanim animation


作者 拖拉机 发表于 2019-3-17 14:20:19


发表于 2020-3-1 01:40:12
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