Very Animation 1.1.3p2 下载链接 Very Animation 1.1.7 下载链接 Very Animation 1.1.16 下载链接 Very Animation 1.2.3p1 下载链接
This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.6.7 or higher.
Unity 2019.1 Ready
This is an asset for editing animation in Unity.
You can modify animations and create new ones with Unity.
It is possible to directly edit Mecanim Humanoid animation, which is usually difficult to edit with Unity.
Tools such as mirroring animation creation and key frame reduction are also implemented.
- Compatible with editing Humanoid and Generic animation.
- Legacy animation is also supported.
- It supports animation editing while editing Timeline.
- Collada Exporter
- The source code is all C#
- All source code is included