完整项目 Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4 休闲益智跳跃游戏项目

本帖最后由 浪浪 于 2019-7-9 13:26 编辑

插件名称:Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4插件官网:访问官网
版权协议:Red pine1.1解压密码:通用密码
Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4

Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4

Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4

Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4 休闲益智跳跃游戏项目

Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper 1.1.4 休闲益智跳跃游戏项目



Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper

Twist The Ball - Platform Jumper

Twist The Ball

Twist The Ball

Requires Unity 5.6.1 or higher.
This template is ready for release. It is optimized for mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Mobile) standalone (Windows PC and Mac OSX), web player, webGL and Apple TV (tvOS).

How to play?
On mobile : tap on the left of the screen to jump left, and on the right side of the screen to jump right.
If you miss a platform: you fail.
If not: your earn one point.
On desktop/web : use the left and right arrow to jump left or right.

On AppleTV: touch the gamepad or swipe on the left or on the right to jump left or right.
Clean, simple and easy to understand commented C# code

This pack includes:
✪ Full game ready to use
✪ Touch input for mobile and mouse/keyboard input for web and desktop
✪ Procedural level generation system
✪ Input touch controller for mobile
✪ Input touch controller for tv OS (Unity 5.3.1+ only)
✪ Keyboard input controller for web and desktop (Mac OS X and Windows).
✪ Mouse input for web and desktop (mac and windows).
✪ Procedural infinite level generation
✪ Spawn pool system (quick and easy object pooling script. This poolManager is made to be as simple to use and setup as making a new game object)

This pack is ready to use and compatible with:
✪ Leaderboard (iOS Game Center and Android Google Play Game Service): this game is compatible with Very Simple Leaderboard. Get it here: Very Simple Leaderboard, and import it to your project and you will ready to use leaderboard in a minute!
✪ Social sharing: Today we know many apps and games which provide general sharing of screenshots, of messages, scores, promotional images and much more. Very Simple Share do it for you. Get it here: Very Simple Share.
✪ GIF sharing with Very Simple Gif
: this game is compatible Very Simple Gif
.Get it here: Very Simple Gif
import it to your project and you will ready to record your screen and share GIF from this record !
✪ Rating System with a bad reviews protection guarantee? Try Very Simple Rate Us. Get it here: Very Simple Rate Us. ✪ ADS (banner, static full screen interstitial, video ads, rewarded video) with Very Simple Ads: this game is compatible with Very Simple Ads. Get it here: Very Simple Ads, import it to your project and you will ready to monetize your game in a minute!


作者 浪浪 发表于 2019-7-9 13:24:19


发表于 2020-2-29 05:10:03
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